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The 2023-2024 Baron Fund Goal! Featured Photo

The 2023-2024 Baron Fund Goal!

The Baron Fund helps cover our tuition gap--the difference between what is earned in tuition revenue and what is needed for the school to run at an optimal level!

Our goal for the 2023-2024 Baron Fund is $500,000.
Stronger Together Campaign Kickoff Featured Photo

Stronger Together Campaign Kickoff

St. Petersburg Catholic High School is proud to announce its capital campaign, Stronger Together: The Campaign for St. Petersburg Catholic High School.
Barons Locker Rooms and Track Are Done! Featured Photo

Barons Locker Rooms and Track Are Done!

Including the Locker Room remodel, our school saw over 1.5 million dollars in facility enhancements! We were beyond blessed to have several leadership gifts from alumni, board members, parents and past parents, that made this possible for our students. This support of our school is a testament to the bright future that lies ahead!!

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About Us

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St. Petersburg Catholic High School is more than a school; it is a home. We take pride not only in excellent academic, athletics, arts programs, and campus ministry, but also the community we have built here. When you become a Baron, you become part of a family--a network of like-minded people who are striving to ensure that their children not only become good students, but virtuous human beings. This sentiment forever lives in our motto, “fortes in unitate,” strength in unity. We partner together with our parents, to make this commitment a reality.