Msgr. Patrick Trainor Learning Commons Now Complete!

We are thrilled to announce that our newly renovated Msgr. Patrick Trainor Learning Commons is now complete! This space features a writing studio, multiple shared study spaces, a chapel, and an innovation studio for our growing engineering program!
We could not be more thankful to all who came together to make it happen! Thank you to Arc-3 Architecture for supplying the vision for the space & Hennessy Construction for making that vision a reality. Thank you to our generous benefactors Dennis & Patricia Ruppel, Patrick & Toni Walsh, Dr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Labrador, Msgr. Robert Gibbons, The O'Brien Family, and Mark & Kathryne Stalker. Without the support of these members of our Baron community this project would not have been possible. To the Diocese of St. Petersburg, thank you for your unwavering support of SPCHS and allowing us to dream big so that our students can be provided with the most excellent education possible. 
Fortes in Unitate!