About Us » Principal's Message

Principal's Message


Ross Bubolz

At St. Petersburg Catholic High School we have one central purpose: forming young men and women into future Christian leaders. Our unique approach to formation here is through the lens of our core virtues--compassion, humility, fortitude, authenticity and wisdom. These are the habits of heart and mind that St. Petersburg graduates will possess. We are confident in our ability to form students in this way because virtue formation requires intentional practice; intentional practice requires strong, healthy community. We, as a Baron family, have a strong, healthy community. Our alumni, students, faculty, and staff are all testaments to this fact. 

Throughout our varied history, community building has always been our strength. This inspired the adoption of our school motto, fortes in unitate, strength in unity. We began our journey as St. Paul’s High School, expanded with the additions of Bishop Barry and Notre Dame Academy, and finally became who we are today: St. Petersburg Catholic. Though God has called us to change in order to respond to the needs of the area, the Spirit has never ceased to provide. The tradition of our Catholic faith has always remained our cornerstone; the strong families that have graced our campus helped build this school into the place of excellence that now stands today. We understand the need for collaboration, that we are not an island, and that it takes a shared vision and a team to form young people. 

This is our commitment to our community. You will be cared for at St. Petersburg Catholic. You will be formed in virtue. You will be part of a family--our Baron family. 

Fortes in Unitate, 


Mr. Bubolz, Principal